Monies paid to financial backers who bought bills through COCOBOD have been removed from their records without their assent.

Published January 21, 2023
Monies paid to financial backers who bought bills through COCOBOD have been removed from their records without their assent.


As of January nineteenth, 2023, financial backers who had bought cocoa bills through the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) were hoping to accept their developed assets with interest.

 Notwithstanding, JoyNews has announced that the monies paid to these financial backers have been removed from their records without their assent.

As indicated by reports, the monies were at first paid to financial backers on Thursday, just to be turned around on Friday, January twentieth, 2023. 

This has created turmoil and disappointment among the impacted financial backers, who had wanted to involve the assets for different costs, for example, paying school expenses for their kids.

The banks included having referred to a mandate from the Bank of Ghana as the justification behind the withdrawal, expressing that they were requested to turn over the bonds without first looking for assent from financial backers. 

This mandate has profoundly shocked numerous financial backers, as it was not recently imparted to them.

One impacted financial backer imparted his experience to JoyNews, expressing, "It is cocoa bill and developed yesterday [Thursday]. At the point when it developed, the assets were stored in the record and I chose to go to the bank today [Friday], when I went there today, the cash had been removed from the record." He added that when he questioned about the withdrawal, he was educated that it was an order for all assets to be consequently turned over for the following half year.

This advancement has raised worries among financial backers in regard to the security of their speculations and the capacity of COCOBOD to satisfy its commitments. Many are addressing why they were not educated regarding the rollover ahead of time and why their assent was not looked for.

The Bank of Ghana and COCOBOD still can't seem to make official announcements with regard to this issue. Notwithstanding, it is normal that they will resolve the issue and give an explanation on the mandate that prompted the withdrawal of assets from financial backers' records.

Considering this turn of events, financial backers are asked to practice alert and completely research any speculation valuable open doors prior to committing their assets. It is likewise essential to guarantee that any venture arrangements plainly frame the agreements of the speculation, including the development date and any rollover choices.

Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has pointed out the questionable Secretary to the Leading body of the National Cathedral building, Fire up.

North Tongu MP, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has by and by pointing out the questionable Secretary to the Leading body of the Public Church building, Fire up. Victor Kusi Boateng otherwise called Mr. Adu Gyamfi. In his most recent disclosure, the MP has claimed that the scholar involved two distinct names as his organic moms while finishing structures for the Ghana Income Authority (GRA).

In a Facebook post on Friday, Ablakwa made sense of that when Fire up. Kusi Boateng was recording his expense forms with the GRA in 2013, and he demonstrated one 'Agnes Ataah' as his mom. Notwithstanding, when he recorded his profits in 2016, he named another lady, 'Yaa Gyamfua', as his mom. This, as per Ablakwa, is important for a plan to make twofold characters to work with sketchy deals.

Ablakwa expressed, "On the thirteenth of August, 2013 when he filled his Citizen Enlistment Structure at the GRA under the name Victor Kusi Boateng with a date of birth of September 7, 1971; 

he pronounced that his mom's lady's last name is Ataah, and her most memorable name is Agnes. He was consequently given a Citizen ID Number for his Victor Kusi Boateng name as P0002502682.

 Inquisitively, on the 24th of Walk, 2016 he got back to the GRA, this time with the name Kwabena Adu Gyamfi and a date of birth of December 30, 1969. 

He peculiarly pronounced an alternate organic mother with a lady's last name of Gyamfua and a first name of Yaa. This is the means by which he got another TIN — P000627241X."

Ablakwa accepts that this is a "fabulous perfectly tuned connivance as he continues to take part in various deals with the two names". 

This isn't whenever Ablakwa first made such claims about Fire up. Kusi Boateng. In a prior report, he affirmed that the evangelist had made different characters on the blindside of the express; a demonstration he considers criminal.

Ablakwa has additionally denounced Fire up. Kusi Boateng of irreconcilable situation, as he guarantees that the evangelist utilized the name 'Kwabena Adu Gyamfi' to enlist an organization, JNS Ability Center Restricted, which got installments from the Public Church Secretariat. 

He accepts that this is a fake demonstration and has required the minister to leave to make ready for examinations.

Notwithstanding, a few people, including the host of Metro television's Great Night Ghana, Paul Adom-Otchere, have scrutinized Ablakwa's previous cases of numerous personalities. 

This provoked Ablakwa to deliver the most recent data about the evangelist's moms to demonstrate to his faultfinders that Fire up. Victor Kusi Boateng is for sure at real fault for making two characters to add his own advantages.

The Commission for Common freedoms and Managerial Equity (CHRAJ) has likewise observed Ablakwa's claims against Fire up. Kusi Boateng.

The Minority in Ghana's Parliament has raised worries over the Public Utilities Administrative Commission (PURC's) strategy for late levy changes

The Minority in Ghana's Parliament has raised worries over the Public Utilities Administrative Commission (PURC's) strategy for late levy changes. 

The Gathering contends that PURC utilized mistaken computations and is utilizing a strange technique to assist the public authority with meeting its IMF conditionalities in the energy area. 

They are against the increments and have expressed that they will oppose them wildly to safeguard buyers. 

They have explicitly gotten down on the utilization of a 26% Hydro blend in the estimations, expressing that the accessible information shows that the 3 hydro dams have seen extremely high heights toward the start of 2023 and are in this way in a superior situation to create more hydropower contrasted with earlier years. 

They accept that the hydro age ought not to be under 35% in light of the Energy Commission's projections.

PURC has expanded power and water taxes by 29.96% and 8.3% separately, and these new rates will produce results from February 1, 2023. 

The Commission has shielded the choice, expressing that it is in congruity with the Quarterly Levy Audit Component and Rules that were imparted in the Commission's August 2022 significant tax survey choice.

 In any case, this declaration has been met with analysis from some Considerate Society Associations (CSOs) and purchasers.

The Foundation for Energy Security (IES) has scrutinized the presumptions utilized in laying out the new power levies, expressing that the supposition utilized by the PURC on the power age blend of 26.11% hydro and 73.89% warm is ridiculous. 

The IES contends that this suspicion adds up to giving need for nuclear energy age over hydro, considering that water rises for Bui and Akosombo creating stations (GS) have improved, and are fit for delivering nearly 38% of the force in 2023. 

The IES had expected that the normal power end-client duty (GH₵/kWh) covering private, non-private, and extraordinary burden tax power purchasers would see an increment inside the year, yet they expected it to be minimal if more hydro-electric power was delivered from the age blend.

The Minority in Parliament's Energy and Mines Board of trustees has approached PURC to forgo such unconventional strategies, which they accept are a secondary passageway to deal with meet the IMF conditionalities in the energy area. 

They have likewise called for additional examinations and discussions to guarantee that the levies are fair and just and that the freedoms of buyers are safeguarded.

The Minority in Parliament has additionally communicated worries about the effect of the levy increments on the weak in the public arena, especially low-pay families and private companies. 

They contend that the increments will excessively influence these gatherings, and have called for additional designated measures to help them.

The Minority has likewise censured the PURC for not satisfactorily talking with partners prior to reporting the levy increments. They have called for additional straightforwardness and commitment to the administrative interaction, and for the Commission to consider the perspectives on buyers and different partners prior to pursuing choices on taxes.

The Minority has likewise approached the public authority to play a more dynamic job in addressing the energy area challenges and to consider elective choices, for example, environmentally friendly power to diminish the dependence on nuclear energy age.

Also, they have approached the PURC to give more itemized data on how the taxes were determined, remembering information for energy age, utilization and expenses, with the goal that customers and different partners can more readily grasp the explanations behind the increments.

The Minority has additionally encouraged the public authority to think about elective choices for financing the energy area, like through open confidential associations or different types of speculation, rather than depending entirely on duties to support the area.

All in all, the Minority in Parliament is of the view that the PURC's new levy changes are outlandish and that they are utilizing a strange technique to assist the public authority with meeting its IMF conditionalities in the energy area.

 They are not entirely settled to oppose the addition savagely to guarantee shoppers are safeguarded and approach the public authority to play a more dynamic job in addressing the energy area challenges and to consider elective choices, for example, sustainable power to lessen the dependence on nuclear energy age. 

They likewise approach the PURC to give more point-by-point data on how the duties were determined, remembering information for energy age, utilization and expenses, with the goal that buyers and different partners can all the more likely grasp the purposes behind the increments.

source: myjoyonline

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